Chord Sarum T kaiutinkaapeli
Chord Sarum T kaiutinkaapeli toimitetaan vain tehdastekoisena kaapelina. Lyhyin pituus on 2 x 1,5m.
Huom! Ei koske ovelle-toimitusta.
Sarum T speaker cable
Sarum T builds on the success of its award-winning predecessor and introduces our breakthrough proprietary insulation material, Taylon®, bringing a major performance upgrade. Sarum T brings the remarkable benefits of our proprietary dielectric at a new, more accessible price level. Previous generations of Sarum Super ARAY cables have featured a PTFE dielectric. The upgrade to Taylon® introduces a raft of performance benefits.
Dedicated bi-wire links are also available, which replace the pressed metal links supplied with bi-wire loudspeakers.
This speaker cable is built to order and sold in terminated sets from £2400 for a 1.5m pair.