Audio-Technica AT-VM95ML/H äänirasia kelkalla

AT-VM95ML/H - VM95-series Microlinear stereo cartridge on AT-H65 headshell

Audio-Technica AT-VM95ML/H äänirasia kelkalla
209,00 €
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Huom! Ei koske ovelle-toimitusta.


  • AT-VM95ML mounted on AT-HS6BK headshell
  • The total set weight is 15.5g
  • Assembled and tested in the Audio-Technica Factory in Fukui-Japan
Model AT-VM95ML/H
Type VM Stereo Dual Magnet
Mounting 1/2” centres
Frequency Response 20 - 25,000 Hz
Channel Separation 23 dB (1 kHz)
Output Channel Balance 1.5 dB (1 kHz)
Output Voltage 3.5 mV (@ 1 kHz, 5 cm/sec)
Vertical Tracking Angle 23°
Vertical Tracking Force Range 1.8 - 2.2g (standard 2.0 g)
Stylus Shape Microlinear
Stylus Size 2.2 x 0.12 mil
Stylus Construction Nude Square Shank
Cantilever Aluminium Pipe
Coil Impedance 3.3 kΩ (1 kHz)
Coil Inductance 550 mH (1 kHz)
DC Resistance 485 Ω
Static Compliance 20 x 10 – 6 cm / dyne
Dynamic Compliance 10 x 10 – 6 cm / dyne (100 Hz)
Wire Used for Coil T.P. Copper
Recommended Load Impedance 47,000 Ω
Recommended Load Capacitance 100-200 pF
Weight 15.5 g
Dimensions 21.2 × 21.4 × 62.4 ( H x W x D mm)
Replacement Stylus AT-VMN95ML

VM95 Series - Styli compatibility

Every cartridge diamond stylus becomes worn after a period of play.

Around 500 hours for a conical stylus, 300 hours for an Elliptical stylus, 1000 hours for a Microlinear stylus, and 800 hours for a Shibata stylus.

Our VM95 Series dual moving magnet cartridges can be used almost forever by replacing the interchangeable stylus. It is no longer necessary to purchase a complete cartridge when your diamond is worn out, you can simply buy the matching replacement stylus, but also enjoy the experience of upgrading your cartridge with a different stylus.

The six models of VM95 Series cartridges all use the same electromagnetic engine-body, therefore each of the six replacement styli are perfectly compatible.







Microlinear Stylus

Microlinear profile diamond stylus offers high frequency response with less wear and distortion than elliptical or conventional linear contact styli.

Preassembled With AT-HS6BK Headshell

The AT-VM95C cartridge is fitted onto the 9g aluminium die cast body headshell